Saturday, April 24, 2021

Write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo

Write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo

write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo

7/13/ · A visit to a zoo 5 Best Essays on ” A Visit to a Zoo” Essay No. 01 A visit to a zoo gives us true knowledge about birds and animals. We can see the wildlife in their natural state in the zoo. It is a place of great recreation and information. I am an animal lover. I wish to see various types of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 3/16/ · Essay on a visit to the zoo: Sample essays for kids to read and learn to write an essay about a visit to the zoo. Read and Essay now!Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs Writing An Excellent Narrative Essay On A Visit To The Zoo. Narrative essays are one of the most popular kinds of creative nonfiction writing because they allow you to write from your own perspective in the first person point of view to tell a story about something that happened to you

Composing A Great Narrative Essay On A Visit To The Zoo

Essay No. A visit to a zoo gives us true knowledge about birds and animals. We can see the wildlife in their natural state in the zoo. It is a place of great recreation and information. I am an animal lover. I wish to see various types of animals. Once I got an opportunity to visit thousands of people every day. They are kept in cages and are most carefully looked after. The zoo at Luck now is situated in an open space near Hazratganj. It is visited by thousands of people every day.

It has a large number of different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and snakes. We bought two tickets and entered the zoo through the main gate. We first visited the tank, the water of which was green, ducks, fish, cranes and other water birds were swimming happily on its surface.

They presented a very beautiful sight. Then we saw the monkeys. They were of various colors. These monkeys climbed up the trees and swung from their branches. They played several tricks and we felt amused by those tricks. Some of the monkeys made faces at us. A monkey with a black face amused himself by looking at his face in a mirror. After this, we went to a very big enclosure. A lion and a lioness lived in it. They looked to be very furious and wild.

The lioness was basking in the sun while the lion was striking her with his paw. Perhaps he was making love with the lioness. Near their enclosure were large cages in which there were tigers, leopards, panthers, and wolves. These animals were roaring and wagging their tails. Then we saw a rhinoceros behind a big enclosure. It seemed to be having the strength of a giant. We also saw crocodiles lying on the bank of an artificial channel.

They seemed to be dead. There were also the giraffes, the zebra, the kangaroos, the ostriches, and the elephants. We also saw several camels in a sandy patch. Thereafter we saw a large august of Snakes. They were of different sizes and colors. They were kept in glass cages and looked very fearful.

We saw some water snakes as well. I was told by a guide that some of the snakes were extremely poisonous. I saw some green snakes which looked like the boughs of a green plant. We spent nearly four hours in the zoo.

The visit added vastly to my knowledge. I felt that I had visited a new world. It was quite a rewarding experience to visit a zoo. A Visit To A Zoo. I was going to Faizabad with my father. I expressed my desire to see the zoo at Lucknow on the write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo. He agreed and we got down at Lucknow. He deposited our luggage in the cloakroom, write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo. After taking our bath and heavy refreshment we hired a tonga and reached the zoo.

We bought our tickets and entered the zoo. As we entered the compound, we saw a small house surrounded by a wire net. Inside it, we saw a number of snakes of all sizes and colors. For the first time in my life, I saw a grey snake as thin as a small finger.

There were snakes called pythons. They seemed to be two or three quintals heavy. Then we saw a tank full of all kinds of colored fish. They were leaping about and swimming beautifully in the clear water. In another tank, we saw small hills and rocks on which a crocodile was basking. It got down and disappeared in the water. There were many crocodiles on the land. Some were dozing.

Some were taking rest under the tree. We also saw many kinds of birds of all kinds and colors. The ostrich was as large as the camel. There was a large number of bright red little robins. They were singing. It was all a beautiful scene. I saw many kinds of monkeys also they were black, white and red, big and small.

The peacocks were dancing merrily. There were white peacocks. It belongs to Japan. It was my first chance to see a white peacock. There were many kinds of monkeys and parrots — very small and very big like a kite. Then I saw the deer and rhinoceros. The rhinoceros was a big animal with heavy thick skin. He was surrounded by the iron bars.

In fact, all the animals in a cage were surrounded by a bar fence. The most interesting thing was the wonderful sight of tigers moving about freely in the open behind the enclosures. Their place was surrounded by a broad ditch of water.

So we had nothing to fear. We also saw the King of the forest, write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo, the lion. I had never seen a lion before. So I was wondered and frightened. The lion had a brown color.

His body was bare but write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo had long hair on his neck. His head was large and the eyes were bright and shining. Sometimes he yawned and showed his large teeth and a big mouth.

I saw many other wild beasts like the panther, the leopard, and others whose names I could not know. I read the labels on every door and knew what animals there were.

We returned to the station with a lasting impression on our minds. It was a new experience. It was learning without a classroom. It increased my knowledge. Everybody must see the zoo when it is possible.

The Zoo Animal I Like Most. The Lion. A zoo is a place where different kinds of animals are kept. Write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo have been to the zoological park in Delhi several times and I have liked most of the animals and even birds such as lions, write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo, tigers, deer, monkeys, bears, wolves, apes, chimpanzees, rhinoceroses, zebras, kangaroos, yaks, parrots, crows, sparrows, pigeons, cranes, storks, doves cuckoos, nightingales, swallows, sea-gulls, skylarks.

And when I name this animal, all may not accept my choice to be an ideal one.

Essay on visit to Zoo in English-- English essays

, time: 2:13

Let´s share our essays!: NARRATIVE ESSAY: My first visit to the Zoo

write a narrative essay on a visit to the zoo

6/18/ · A Visit To a Zoo essay , , , words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. Last Sunday it was very cloudy. My friends and I visited the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins A visit to a zoo is a pleasure. It is informative and educative too. Zoos are there in almost all the big cities. We have zoos in Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Mysore and also in Hyderabad. The zoo at Hyderabad is named as Nehru Zoological Park. Many people, young an old, boys and girls, from villages and cities visit this blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 6/18/ · The first essay is a long essay on the A Visit To a Zoo of words. This long essay about A Visit To a Zoo is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on A Visit To a Zoo of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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