Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short speech on global warming

Short speech on global warming

short speech on global warming

2/7/ · 3 Minutes Speech on Global Warming. Global Warming is definitely the single greatest environmental challenge that the planet earth is facing at present. It is essential to understand the gravity of the situation. The fuel which you use in order to power your homes, cars, businesses and more is heating up the planet faster than expected Here is your speech on Global Warming! Global Warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature Today, I am here to discuss global warming -- the single greatest environmental challenge facing this planet. So let me explain the gravity of the problem. Bottom line: the fuel we use to power our homes, our cars, and our businesses is causing the earth to warm faster than anyone expected

Global Warming: A Time to Act - Speeches - United States Senator for California

The first seven months of this year, and the last three decades, were the warmest in the United Short speech on global warming since national record-keeping began in A scientific consensus has been forged. There is broad agreement that the Earth will only get hotter. The question is how hot and why?

If short speech on global warming act now and further temperature increases are kept to 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century, the damages — though significant — will be manageable.

Each of us is confronted with a choice: a choice that will impact not only our future, but the futures of our children and grandchildren, short speech on global warming. Do we continue with a business-as-usual attitude? Or do we make the changes necessary to prevent catastrophe? Quite simply, because we are addicted to fossil fuels. And it is the burning of these fuels — coal, oil, gasoline and natural gas and the greenhouse gases they produce — that is the primary cause of global warming.

Carbon dioxide is produced by power plants, cars, manufacturing, and to power residential and commercial buildings. That means that the carbon dioxide produced in the s, s, short speech on global warming, s, and s is still in the atmosphere today. And the carbon dioxide produced today will still be in the atmosphere in and beyond. And there will be serious consequences for our planet unless we make major changes.

So the goal should be to stabilize carbon dioxide at parts per million by This could contain further warming to 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit. And it will shrink further as the planet warms. The question is: how much will the increase be? If nothing is done…if the Earth warms 5 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit, the face of our planet will change forever. The Greenland and Western Antarctic ice sheets would melt completely.

Sea levels could well rise by 20 feet. Think about the damage that would cause to coastal areas around the world. Additionally, hurricanes, tornadoes and other severe weather would become more volatile than ever. Malaria would spread. Here in California: More than half of the Sierra snowpack short speech on global warming disappear. This is equal to the water supply for the 16 million people in the Los Angeles basin.

The rise in sea levels would cause catastrophic flooding — and the Los Angeles basin would be especially vulnerable. We had a mild taste of that future in July. Here in Los Angeles, temperatures spiked to well above degrees.

And it was far worse in other areas of the State. And they said to me that if they have erred, it has been because their climate projections are too conservative and the Earth may be much closer to a tipping point than science has shown thus far. And if we move beyond that tipping point, catastrophe becomes a certainty.

So we are the big producer. The largest contributor to global warming is electricity generation -- 33 percent — followed by transportation -- 28 percent. These two sectors combine to make up 61 percent of the problem. Let me be clear: there is no silver bullet. There is no one thing that we can do to solve the problem.

Every business, home, and industry must short speech on global warming its share. So what can be done? Let me begin with electricity generation. This is the single largest piece of the global warming puzzle --responsible for 33 percent of global warming gases in the United States. And the short speech on global warming culprit here is pulverized coal, which is the major source of energy in 40 of the 50 states.

Coal, alone, produces 27 percent of annual carbon dioxide emissions, or 2. Globally, coal produces 9. Earlier this year, the Senate Energy Committee held a symposium on global warming. The consensus was that a mandatory cap-and-trade program would be the most effective way forward. And so we are working to create such a program.

In all likelihood, the cap would remain at present levels for a few years to give the industry the opportunity to make the changes necessary. Gradually, these caps would be tightened, and emissions reduced. One of the key elements of our program is to put agriculture in the system. We would allow farmers and foresters to earn credits for moving to greener farming practices. Farmers and growers would be able to earn dollars short speech on global warming acres converted to carbon sequestration and reduction.

The fact of the matter is that cap and trade has worked before. Using the Clean Air Act, a cap-and-trade regime was implemented in the s to reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from electric utility plants in the northeast. These are the primary culprits of acid rain. In the 16 years, this scheme has been in place, sulfur dioxide emissions have been reduced by about 34 percent 5 million tons and nitrogen oxide emissions have been reduced by 43 percent 3 million tons.

So cap and trade can be effective, short speech on global warming. And, the governors of seven northeastern states are instituting a cap-and trade system known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. It will become effective in And last week, Governor Schwarzenegger announced that California may well join the Northeast regional system in the trading of credits. At the same time, I am pleased to announce that I am very close to reaching agreement with the Clean Energy Group of utilities on a cap a trade regime for electricity.

These companies produce 15 percent of the energy consumed in the United States today —megawatts out of the 1 million megawatts produced nationwide.

This is enough energy to power million homes. Let me take up transportation -- cars, trucks, planes, and cargo ships, which represents 28 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. And passenger vehicles alone — cars, light-trucks, and SUVs — make up 20 percent of all U.

emissions 1. The good news is that the technology exists to significantly improve the fuel economy of these vehicles. The bad news is that Detroit and many foreign auto makers refuse to utilize the technologies. So Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine and I have offered legislation that would require the mileage for all cars, pick-up trucks, and SUVs to be increased from 25 to 35 miles per gallon over the next 10 years.

The other side of the transportation coin is new technologies and alternative fuels. As long as our nation continues its addiction to oil, we cannot sufficiently slow the warming trend. This includes the electric plug-in hybrid, biofuels, E using cellulosic ethanol, and fuel cells. The good news is that substantial venture capital funding is available today for clean energy projects.

Here are just a few of the most promising:. The fuel cell has cathode ink on one side, anode ink on the other, separated by zirconia sand covered plastic, which becomes the catalyst. The size is about 4 inches by 4 inches. It alone can power a 30 watt light bulb for 5 years. Together these fuel cells can be combined to fit in a parking space, and can power a 20, square foot building.

But America needs to become much more energy efficient as well — both in terms of green building codes and individual conservation and energy use. An aggressive energy national efficiency program could prevent a substantial amount of carbon dioxide going into the air.

This would come from the incorporation of energy efficient building materials in construction — such as insulation, more efficient windows, and renewable technologies like solar or wind. Green construction is also cost-effective.

Individuals can also make a difference. This means carpooling, using energy efficient light bulbs, and choosing ENERGY STAR appliances. ENERGY STAR home products, such as air conditioners, furnaces, refrigerators, dishwashers, phones, DVD players, and televisions, must become standard for all Americans.

That means mileage would go from 25 to 35 miles per gallon. An alternative fuels bill that requires 70 percent of all vehicles produced after to be flex-fuel capable. These vehicles would be required to have a green gas short speech on global warming to show the owner that the car can accept other fuels. We would also require that gas stations owned and operated by major oil companies have at least one pump that provides alternative fuels at every station.

The fourth bill will be a national energy efficiency program -- including strict appliance and building standards and requiring utilities to use energy efficiency measures to meet a portion of their demand, short speech on global warming. Short speech on global warming of the protectionist tariff 54 cents per gallon placed on Brazilian ethanol. This was done at the behest of the corn industry — to make imported ethanol non-competitive.

It is estimated that Brazilian produced E will be cheaper and work better. And Senator Craig Thomas and I are working on a plan to use Wyoming Powder River Coal to produce cleaner electricity by sequestering carbon dioxide, short speech on global warming. The power will then be sold to Western States including California.

Additionally, the U. must make addressing global warming a top priority and join the European Union and other nations in reducing emissions. We can, and must lead. So all countries must participate.

Climate Change Now - Powerful Speeches

, time: 5:16

Global Warming: Speech on Global Warming

short speech on global warming

Here is your speech on Global Warming! Global Warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature 2/6/ · 10 Line Global Warming Speech In English Global warming is not a recent phenomenon, it has been a concern since the pre-industrialization era, but the threat is Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the globe because the bodies that regulate the temperature like Pollution is 6/17/ · 10 Lines On Global Warming Speech in English Global warming is defined as the increase in the average temperature of the Earth due to the accumulation of greenhouse The most harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,

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