Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel

Short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel

short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was born on 31 October, , in a farmer’s family in Naiad, Gujarat. His father, Zaverbhai, had served in the army of Jhansi ki Rani, and his mother, Ladbai, was a deeply religious woman. Vallabhbhai’s initial schooling was in Gujarati. After his schooling, he went to England for higher blogger.comted Reading Time: 40 secs Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel became the first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of India. He used strength and determination to bring together the many Indian princely states to form one united country- India as we know it today. He was often known as the 'Iron Man of India'. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel died on 15 December at the age of Estimated Reading Time: 1 min 8/27/ · Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was born on 31st October in Leuva Patel Patidar community in Nadiad village in Gujarat. His full name is Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel and popularly known as Sardar Patel. Sardar Patel’s father, Zaverbhai Patel, served in the Army of Queen of Jhansi and mother, Ladbai, was inclined towards spirituality. Patel was a very brave character since blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Essay on Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel for Children and Students

Sardar Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel [1] [2] [ needs Gujarati IPA ] 31 October — 15 Decemberpopularly known as Sardar Patelwas an Indian statesman. He served as the first Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was an Indian barristerand a senior leader of the Indian National Congress who played a leading role in the country's struggle for independence and guided its integration into a united, independent nation. In India and elsewhere, he was often called Sardarmeaning "chief" in HindiUrduand Persian.

He acted as Home Minister during the political integration of India and the Indo-Pakistani War of Patel was born in Nadiad District Kheda and raised in the countryside of the state of Gujarat.

He subsequently organised peasants from KhedaBorsadand Bardoli in Gujarat in non-violent civil disobedience against the British Rajbecoming one of the most influential leaders in Gujarat. He was appointed as the 49th President of Indian National Congressorganising the party for elections in and while promoting the Quit India Movement. As the first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of IndiaPatel short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel relief efforts for refugees fleeing to Punjab and Delhi from Pakistan and worked to restore peace.

He led the task of forging a united Indiasuccessfully integrating into the newly independent nation those British colonial provinces that had been "allocated" to India. Patel persuaded almost every princely state to accede to India. His commitment to national integration in the newly independent country was total and uncompromising, earning him the sobriquet "Iron Man of India". He is also called the "Unifier of India".

Patel, one of the six children of Jhaverbhai Patel and Ladba, was born in NadiadGujarat. Patel travelled to attend schools in NadiadPetladand Borsadliving self-sufficiently with other boys. He reputedly cultivated a stoic character. A popular anecdote recounts that he lanced his own painful boil without hesitation, even as the barber charged with doing it trembled. Patel himself, though, harboured a plan to study to become a lawyer, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel, work and save funds, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel, travel to England, and become a barrister.

Fetching his wife Jhaverba from her parents' home, Patel set up his household in Godhra and was called to the bar. During the many years it took him to save money, Patel — now an advocate — earned a reputation as a fierce and skilled lawyer. The couple had a daughter, Manibenin and a son, Dahyabhaiin Patel also cared for a friend suffering from the Bubonic plague when it swept across Gujarat. When Patel himself came down with the disease, he immediately sent his family to safety, left his home, and moved into an isolated house in Nadiad by other accounts, Patel spent this time in a dilapidated temple ; there, he recovered slowly.

Patel practised law in GodhraBorsad, and Anand while taking short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel the financial burdens of his homestead in Karamsad. Patel was the first chairman and founder of "Edward Memorial High School" Borsad, today known as Jhaverbhai Dajibhai Patel High School. When he had saved enough for his trip to England and applied for a pass and a ticket, they were addressed to "V, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel.

Patel," at the home of his elder brother Vithalbhaiwho had the same initials as Vallabhai. Having once nurtured a similar hope to study in England, Vithalbhai remonstrated his younger brother, saying that it would be disreputable for an older brother to follow his younger brother.

In keeping with concerns for his family's honour, Patel allowed Vithalbhai to go in his place. In Patel's wife Jhaverba was hospitalised in Bombay present-day Mumbai to undergo major surgery for cancer. Her health suddenly worsened and, despite successful emergency surgery, she died in the hospital. Patel was given a note informing him of his wife's demise as he was cross-examining a witness in court. According to witnesses, Patel read the note, pocketed it, and continued his cross-examination and won the case.

He broke the news to others only after the proceedings had ended. He raised his children with the help of his family and sent them to English-language short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel in Bombay. At the age of 36, he journeyed to England and enrolled at the Middle Temple Inn in London, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel.

Completing a month course in 30 months, Patel finished at the top of his class despite having had no previous college background. Returning to India, Patel settled in Ahmedabad and became one of the city's most successful barristers. Wearing European-style clothes and sporting urbane mannerisms, he became a skilled bridge player. Patel nurtured ambitions to expand his practice and accumulate great wealth and to provide his children with modern education.

He had made short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel pact with his brother Vithalbhai to support his entry into politics in the Bombay Presidencywhile Patel remained in Ahmedabad to provide for the family. At the short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel of his friends, Patel ran in the election for the post of sanitation commissioner of Ahmedabad in and won.

While often clashing with British officials on civic issues, he did not show any interest in politics. Upon hearing of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhihe joked to the lawyer and political activist, Ganesh Vasudev Mavlankarthat "Gandhi would ask you if you know how to sift pebbles from wheat, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel.

And that is supposed to bring independence. In SeptemberPatel delivered a speech in Borsadencouraging Indians nationwide to sign Gandhi's petition demanding Swaraj — self-rule — from Britain. A month later, he met Gandhi for the first time at the Gujarat Political Conference in Godhra.

On Gandhi's encouragement, Patel became the secretary of the Gujarat Sabhaa public body that would become the Gujarati arm of the Indian National Congress. Patel now short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel fought against veth — the forced servitude of Indians to Europeans — and organised relief efforts in the wake of plague and famine in Kheda.

Gandhi endorsed waging a struggle there, but could not lead it himself due to his activities in Champaran. When Gandhi asked for a Gujarati activist to devote himself completely to the assignment, Patel volunteered, much to Gandhi's delight.

Supported by Congress volunteers Narhari ParikhMohanlal Pandyaand Abbas TyabjiVallabhbhai Patel began a village-by-village tour in the Kheda district, documenting grievances and asking villagers for their support for a statewide revolt by refusing to pay taxes. Patel emphasised the potential hardships and the need for complete unity and non-violence in the face of provocation response from virtually every village.

Patel organised a network of volunteers to work with individual villages, helping them hide valuables and protect themselves against raids. Thousands of activists and farmers were arrested, but Patel was not. The revolt evoked sympathy and admiration across India, including among pro-British Indian politicians.

The government agreed to negotiate with Patel and decided to suspend the payment of taxes for a year, even scaling back the rate. Patel emerged as a hero to Gujaratis. Patel supported Gandhi's Non-cooperation movement and toured the state to recruit more thanmembers and raise over Rs. Along with his daughter Mani and son Dahya, he switched completely to wearing khadithe locally produced cotton clothing.

Patel also supported Gandhi's controversial suspension of resistance in the wake of the Chauri Chaura incident. In Gujarat, he worked extensively in the following years against alcoholism, untouchabilityshort paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel, and caste discriminationshort paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel well as for the empowerment of women, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel.

In the Congress, he was a resolute supporter of Gandhi against his Swarajist critics. Patel was elected Ahmedabad's municipal president in, and During his terms, he oversaw improvements in infrastructure: the supply of electricity was increased, drainage and sanitation systems were extended throughout the city.

The school system underwent major reforms. He fought for the recognition and payment of teachers employed in schools established by nationalists independent of British control and even took on sensitive Hindu — Muslim issues. He established refugee centres across the district, mobilised volunteers, and arranged for supplies of food, medicines, and clothing, as well as emergency funds from the government and the public.

When Gandhi was in prison, Patel was asked by Members of Congress to lead the satyagraha in Nagpur in against a law banning the raising of short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel Indian flag.

He organised thousands of volunteers from all over the country to take part in processions of people violating the law. Patel negotiated a settlement obtaining the release of all prisoners and allowing nationalists to hoist the flag in public. More than 6, villagers assembled to hear Patel speak in support of proposed agitation against the tax, which was deemed immoral and unnecessary.

He organised hundreds of Congressmen, sent instructions, and received information from across the district. Every village in the taluka resisted payment of the tax and prevented the seizure of property and land. After a protracted struggle, the government withdrew the tax. Historians believe that one of Patel's key achievements was the building of cohesion and trust amongst the different castes and communities, which had been divided along socio-economic lines.

In April Patel returned to the independence struggle from his municipal duties in Ahmedabad when Bardoli suffered from a serious double predicament of a famine and a steep tax hike. The revenue hike was steeper than it had been in Kheda even though the famine short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel a large portion of Gujarat. After cross-examining and talking to village representatives, emphasising the potential hardship and need for non-violence and cohesion, Patel initiated the struggle with a complete denial of taxes.

The revenue refusal was stronger than in Kheda, and many sympathy satyagrahas were undertaken across Gujarat. Despite arrests and seizures of property and land, the struggle intensified. The situation came to a head in August, when, through sympathetic intermediaries, he negotiated a settlement that included repealing the tax hike, short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel, reinstating village officials who had resigned in protest, and returning seized property and land.

It was by the women of Bardoli, during the struggle and after the Indian National Congress victory in that area, that Patel first began to be referred to as Sardar or headman. Under the chairmanship of Sardar Patel "Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy" resolution was passed by the Congress in As Gandhi embarked on the Dandi Salt MarchPatel was arrested in the village of Ras and was put on trial without witnesseswith no lawyer or journalists allowed to attend.

Patel's arrest and Gandhi's subsequent arrest caused the Salt Satyagraha to greatly intensify in Gujarat — districts across Gujarat launched an anti-tax rebellion until and unless Patel and Gandhi were released. After the signing of the Gandhi—Irwin PactPatel was elected president of Congress for its session in Karachi — here the Congress ratified the pact and committed itself to the defence of fundamental rights and civil liberties.

It advocated the establishment of a secular nation with a minimum wage and the abolition of untouchability and serfdom. Patel used his position as Congress president to organise the return of confiscated land to farmers in Gujarat.

During this term of imprisonment, Patel and Gandhi grew close to each other, and the two developed a close bond of affection, trust, and frankness. Their mutual relationship could be described as that of an elder brother Gandhi and his younger brother Patel. Despite having arguments with Gandhi, Patel respected his instincts and leadership. In prison, the two discussed national and social issues, read Hindu epics, and cracked jokes.

Gandhi short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel Patel Sanskrit. Gandhi's secretary, Mahadev Desaikept detailed records of conversations between Gandhi and Patel. He was finally released in July Patel's position at the highest level in the Congress was largely connected with his role from onwards when the Congress abandoned its boycott of elections in the party organisation.

Based at an apartment in Bombayhe became the Congress's main fundraiser and chairman of its Central Parliamentary Board, playing the leading role in selecting and financing candidates for the elections to the Central Legislative Assembly in New Delhi and for the provincial elections of In Short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel underwent surgery for haemorrhoidsyet continued to direct efforts against the plague in Bardoli and again when a drought struck Gujarat in

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 10 Lines Essay in English // Essay in Cursive Hand Writing

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Short Essay on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel -

short paragraph on sardar vallabhbhai patel

10/14/ · Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was the first commander in chief of Indian armed forces and served as the same from 15 th August to 15 th December He was also the first Deputy Prime Minister and first Home Minister of Independent India and served the country for the same blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was born on 31 October, , in a farmer’s family in Naiad, Gujarat. His father, Zaverbhai, had served in the army of Jhansi ki Rani, and his mother, Ladbai, was a deeply religious woman. Vallabhbhai’s initial schooling was in Gujarati. After his schooling, he went to England for higher blogger.comted Reading Time: 40 secs 5/5/ · Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is one of the few people in India who changed the entire history of the country. He fought firmly in the freedom struggle of India and took away independence from the British. Sardar Patel had a strong faith in the unity and integrity of his country. Sardar Patel was a Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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