Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short paragraph on holiday

Short paragraph on holiday

short paragraph on holiday

7/7/ · Paragraph On Holiday – to Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students Mental Peace: One could derive mental harmony and calm by being at home and spending some time with friends and family. Social Activities: One 10/28/ · Short Paragraph on Holiday Homework Every year we have a long holiday twice a year in our school, summer vacation and winter vacation. This is a time when every kid plans a holiday with their parents to visit their grandparents or a new city or country Holidays give us a break from our routine and help us to refresh ourselves and go back to work with renewed energy. They are not only meant for enjoying but also for pursuing our hobbies and interests. During holidays we can live our life as we want

Essay on Holiday for Children and Students

We all know what holidays are. We have enjoyed them right from our childhood. They mean for us colour, sweetness and liberty. New clothes, dainty dishes and freedom to do or not to do anything. This is how we, short paragraph on holiday, as children, spent our holidays. And in our Pakistani calendar, there are several of them. Every month has its share of holidays. They are either religious or social, short paragraph on holiday. They are days sacred to the memory of some holy saints, fairs and festivals.

They make us remember some noble deed done by our great heroes of history. We cherish their memory and derive light and inspiration from them. Else, have they are just social events when we meet friends and relatives and a pleasant time.

In addition, we have bad days off in our school time when some great event or person came to visit us or address us. In short we are quite familiar with holidays and we have not ceased to loe them as we grow. Holidays are meant for enjoyment, as other days are meant for work. All work and no play makes Munnu a dull body. We, too, have rest and relaxation on certain days in the month.

We enjoy these days for several reasons. Firstly, we want change from dull routine. Or rather, routine work becomes dull if it is continues.

So we take a day off and call it a holiday, a day meant for no work but rest. Secondly, we want colour and variety in life. We do not get any opportunity to enjoy this unless we set a day apart for the same.

So we dress and eat live in a different manner on a holiday. Thirdly, the working days do not give an opportunity for dreaming. They are very much pressed due to work, study, and industry. Our thoughts are centred in the immediate present. Now such an experience is not good for our mental, moral or even physical health, short paragraph on holiday.

So we take a holiday and think and feel in a different manner. We dream and remember the past or hope for the future. We intertain other thoughts on such short paragraph on holiday. We live in thoughts of great men and women whose memory is cherished on holidays. So holidays are most welcome. They are really holy days, since they are sacred to the memory of great ones. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Email Address. But, there is a but for all this; we know that only days are likely to become most unholy for many of us. That is to say, we can abuse our holidays in many ways. Or else we agitate for more holidays and become unholy in our demand for the same. All play and no work is as bad for Munnu as the reverse of it is. Extremes are bad. Holidays should not encourage a desire for idleness and thoughtless living. It must be for the sake of rest, worship, change from routine and good enjoyment.

We short paragraph on holiday not develop the taste for idling away our days. This craving. for thoughts leisure lands up in restlessness, short paragraph on holiday.

We do not get real rest if we do not properly use our days of rest. Our desires become unlimited. They will rule us if we do not rule them. And thus we will be ceaselessly desiring for this and that if we desire more holidays than are good for us. The place of holidays in our lives is a very important one: Only they must really be days of holy thoughts and holy living.

They are there because men want leisure and rest from labour. They are useful for giving us rest so that we can resunie our work with more vigour.

So the end and aim of holidays is not really rest and leisure. This is only incidental. The real aim of holidays is to renew ourselves for more work. For life is a ceaseless struggle and holidays give freshness to our faded spirits.

We know that in modern times we, the students, often agitate for holidays most stupidly, short paragraph on holiday. Let us stop this and be careful in the untilization of our holidays. Short paragraph on holiday are good servants but bad masters. We should not be slaves to holidays. That is to say, we shwuld not demand for more holidays than are good for our physical, mental and moral health.

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My Summer Holiday

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Short Paragraph on Holidays - The College Study

short paragraph on holiday

Short Paragraph for kids on a Holiday ; Essay on Proper use of Holiday by Students ; Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday ; Words Essay on a Holiday for kids (free to read) Brief notes on BOOT,BOLT,BOT as used in infrastructure projects. Here is your short essay on Corporate Governance 10/28/ · Short Paragraph on Holiday Homework Every year we have a long holiday twice a year in our school, summer vacation and winter vacation. This is a time when every kid plans a holiday with their parents to visit their grandparents or a new city or country Short Paragraph for kids on a Holiday. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: I had a holiday from school last week. I, along with my friends, went to the lake to enjoy ourselves. We took our fishing rods and kites with us. We went on foot and were a little tired on reaching the lake. We rested for some time

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