10/7/ · Honesty is the best policy that is a famous saying said by Benjamin Franklin. Honesty is considered as the best tool for success in life and a famous person said it as the backbone of a successful relationship that has the capability to form a well-developed society In conclusion, the phrase “Honesty is the Best Policy” is of significant importance. Honesty is the light of hope in this dark world. Honesty shall always prevail while falsehood is bound to perish. Honesty – Benefits: Honesty is always admirable in the family, civil society, friends and across the globe. A person with honesty is respected by all 12/24/ · Honesty is the Best Policy Essay 1 ( words) Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy. According to the saying of honesty is the best policy, one should be loyal and tell the truth always in his/her life while answering to any question or dilemma to anyone
Essay on Honesty is the Best Policy | Examples & Papers
Honesty is The Best Policy. It is possible that dishonesty may succeed for a short time, but honesty is sure to succeed better in the long run. This may be seen considering the career of students in schools and colleges, and of men engaged in the business of life. The student who cheats in an examination may, if he escapes detection, gain a few marks more than he would otherwise have got.
But what is the probable result? He learns thereby to trust to dishonest means of passing his further examinations, and neglects hard work, the only sure means of success, Guess, short essay on honesty is the best policy if his dishonesty remains undetected, short essay on honesty is the best policy, he is likely to be outstripped by his more honest rival, and in addition, he exposes himself to the risk of an ignominious conviction, which will ruin his reputation and surely wound the hearts of short essay on honesty is the best policy and friends.
The effects of dishonesty are much the same in the case of clerks, merchants, government servants, and others. They may suddenly make themselves rich by dishonest means. But wealth so obtained is as a rule rapidly squandered, and to regain resource is likely to be had again to new acts of dishonesty.
Thus the dishonest man lives all through his life in continual dread that his misdeeds may at any moment be revealed in the light of the day. Success at the beginning of his career only tempts him to become corrupt on a larger scale, and the end is generally disgrace and punishment. So far we have been considering the question merely from the point of view of material success, and have seen that the dishonest man is very unlikely to succeed in life.
But even if by some rare chance he should manage to escape detection to the end and die famous and wealthy, he must nevertheless all through his life suffer pain through fear of detection and consciousness of his own baseness. Had he been an honest man, he would probably have won still more wealth and honor in the eyes of the world and would have been spending the reproaches of a guilty conscience. Essay No. Honesty is the Best Policy. Honesty is a virtue. At one time or another, short essay on honesty is the best policy, you might find yourself in a situation that requires you to tell one or two lies to avoid trouble.
For some people, being honest is not that easy and such people might find themselves lying almost every day. Honesty is the best policy because no matter how good you are at telling lies, the truth will always come out. Honest people are respected and trusted upon because they are known to stand by their truth. Without honesty, the world would be a bad and sad place to live in. people who short essay on honesty is the best policy lie not only lose their friends but their reputation since no one likes to associate with dishonest characters.
Some of the dishonest acts are telling lies, cheating, corruption, and smuggling. If all of us can stay away from these acts the world, would be a better place where we all will live in harmony and trust each other. Honesty is an important virtue that we should all aim to have. It helps to steer us in the right direction in life and helps us avoid criminal activities. An honest person is of good character and lives a satisfied and contented life because his conscience is clear. You may achieve what you want by lying, but your actions will always haunt you.
Be honest and everything will turn out well for you and you will come to realize that truth. According to religious preachers and moralists, a man should be honest. He should be straightforward and just in his dealings with others, whatever the consequences of his conduct. He should not only resist the temptation to get rich quickly by being dishonest but be ready to face the suffering and loss that may be caused by honesty.
This is the point of view of morality. The proverb, however, recommends honesty not as a moral ideal, short essay on honesty is the best policy, but as a practical policy. We are called upon, to be honest, not because it is moral t0 be so, but because it is profitable to be so. From one point of view, it is indeed true that honesty is the best policy. Consider, for example, a shopkeeper who, in order to get easy and quick profits, sells things at higher prices and cheats his customers in other ways.
He may seem to prosper for some time, but, sooner or later, his customers are bound to see through his tricks and cease to patronize him. On the other hand, an honest shopkeeper is likely to flourish gradually and steadily, attracting more and more customers because of his reputation for honesty. But they have to spend large chunks of their illicit gains on trying to prevent the detection of their crimes. Besides, they live in constant dread of being found out. It is generally true that dishonesty creates more problems than it solves.
It reflects their practical character. The British are nothing if not practical, and this quality enabled them to found a far-flung empire.
In the colonies which they ruled they tried to be as honest and trustworthy as possible; at least they succeeded in creating this image of themselves in the minds of many people. If the British as a nation are affluent and influential today, it is in no small measure due to the fact that they try to live up to their national proverb.
Honesty is a very rare quality. Therefore it is greatly valued. It teaches us to be fair and square in our dealings. An honest person is not only respected but also trusted in society. He makes big gains and carves a place in the hearts of people around him. A man may become rich overnight by dishonest means but that richness does not last long. Honesty makes man self-confident and bold. He does not feel afraid of anybody. He moves about with his head held high in the air. Honesty is a long-termed investment.
On the short essay on honesty is the best policy dishonesty is a vice. It breeds corruption. It causes a moral fall of the people. The fruit of dishonesty is bitter. Dishonest persons suffer mentally. Outwardly they may look happy but inwardly they are not at peace with themselves. They are not contented with what they have. Their sins haunt them. No doubt the number of dishonest persons is far greater than those of honest persons, honesty still remains the best policy.
Without honesty, we would be termed characterless. Honesty is one of the building blocks of good character and character is what establishes who we are and what we are going to achieve.
Honesty is the cornerstone of character. If one is found wanting in honesty, he will be found lacking in character as well. Honesty is not always the easiest way out of a situation. However, for the brave-hearted who do not seek ways -out of situations, it is the only way to deal with a situation or a crisis.
Often being honest can mean coming under the wrath of others. There might be the fear of a backlash but one must keep in mind that in the end truth always prevails and honesty is the best policy. It might not be the easiest thing: being honest, but it is the only thing to be. Sometimes when faced with dire consequences one is inclined to be dishonest because it takes courage, to be honest.
While dishonesty may provide an easy exit out of a sticky situation, it is just a matter of time before the lies catch up. When that happens, you lose your credibility and people mistrust you forever. It is difficult to trust someone you have lost faith in. There are lies and then there are white lies.
White lies are perceived as lies that are harmless hence people are often prone to using them. Being honest is difficult especially when you short essay on honesty is the best policy something to lose like maybe a job, a promotion, the love and respect of a loved one. Taking the help of a white lie seems the easier way out.
However, one lie leads to another, and, before long you are entangled in a web of lies that you find increasingly difficult to come out of. Honesty may be a difficult virtue to maintain but it is the only right thing to do.
If a friend has bad breath, there is no reason to embarrass her with the truth by telling her she has bad breath. The best way to deal with this situation would be to play down the brutality of the truth.
The truth however hard to say must be adhered to always, short essay on honesty is the best policy. In the long run, it is the best policy.
Over a period of time, one will gain a reputation for being honest. And this will prove to be the building block of success. An honest person will be sought for his opinion. An honest man will always receive more responsibility at home and at work. So when you have erred coming clean is the only option.
You may be punished for it, you might have to bear the consequences of it, but if you are honest you will earn the forgiveness and respect of those around you. Honesty is undoubtedly the best policy. A policy is changeable, unlike a principle that is not. You cannot change principle even if it causes loss. You suffer and even lay down your life for a principle.
Honesty is the best policy story in English ✍@Sunflower
, time: 8:14Short Essay On Honesty Is The Best Policy In English • English Summary
Short Essay on Honesty is the Best Policy in English - Human life revolves around various principles. One such principle is honesty or truthfulness. By ‘honesty is the best policy,’ it means that someone is being true even if he or she is facing the worst times of their life. It 8/17/ · Honesty is The Best Policy The wise man who coined the saying that ‘honesty is the best policy, was in every way a very sensible person. The use of the word ‘policy’ gave this saying flexibility, in that a person during the course of his life could adapt different ways if he felt that honesty was not beneficial to his interests 12/24/ · Honesty is the Best Policy Essay 1 ( words) Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy. According to the saying of honesty is the best policy, one should be loyal and tell the truth always in his/her life while answering to any question or dilemma to anyone
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